Tag Archives: I’m not eating enough chocolate

#ROW80 Check-in 5/12/19

Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers out there!

It’s ROW80 time! How have I been doing so far?

Seeing as this post was written last week and I am now getting to post it…yeah. I’ve been really busy with work and physical therapy. I’ve also been really tired, so my energy levels haven’t been the best. But still, I’ve been trying to get stuff done.

~Participate in Camp Nano with a modest goal of 10,000 words. ~I amended my goal to 5,000 and did not make it. I got halfway: 2,505 words. However, in the bigger picture, I was able to start The Vanishing, so I am happy about that. Overall progress on The Vanishing: 5,178 words. 

Continue placing ads for 3 of my books each month. Also, do a free run with Reaper Girl. ~May 1st was my last paid ad. I have since made the decision to back off ads for a few months and just do newsletter swaps. I also have not decided on a date for the Reaper Girl free run. I am considering doing it in July, like I did with Fey Touched. It would give me enough time to stack ads.

~Progress on more sane work hours. Includes taking Sundays off. ~I’ve taken a few days off this week since things are a bit slow. I have also decided on a quitting time. Seems to be working so far.

~Start Survivor Rewrite ~Nope, but I am still still thinking about it. 

~Accountability partner check-in ~I keep forgetting to mention this. I’ve been checking in with my accountability partner every week. It’s been fun and helpful. 🙂 

~Chocolate consumption report: Chocolate mug cakes, hot chocolate, Hersey’s kisses.

#ROW80 Check-in 7/22/15

Things have been a bit rough for me the past few days in terms of getting writing done. But I think I’m back on track, and that’s what counts!

The BIG HUGE HAPPY NEWS is that I finally have an answer as to why my eye has been hurting me for almost 3 years. It is a facial nerve condition called Trigeminal Neuralgia, and it can affect the eyes (well, typically one, as most cases are on one side of the face only). My new neurologist put me on a new medication that’s great for TN. Had a bit of a rough start (nausea), but 5 days in, my pain has decreased dramatically. I still get a bit, but so far it hasn’t been that bad or that often. My dose may need to be adjusted, but we’ll see.

I cannot tell you how happy I am to have an answer, and hope for my future. I blogged about it here if you want to read about it.

Okay, so ROW80!

Here’s how I’ve been doing:

Fireborn – Hit 20k today! 1,117 words written since last check-in.
Covenant – Broke 8k. 522 words written since last check-in.
Survivor – Worked on the re-outline this past Sunday and have been doing research.
Camp Nano – Still going strong! 8k!
Camera – Getting fixed within the next few weeks (as soon as things calm down!)

I’ve been more tired than usual – I suspect it’s the new medication — so I’ve been going to bed at the right time for the past three days (well, I was pushing it sometimes 10 or 15 minutes…but it makes a difference!) but I’ve still had issues staying awake while waiting for the bus. This is a bit worrisome, but I am hoping I can adjust and be more alert soon. Because of the fibromyalgia, I’m tired anyway so this is not good. But, 5 days in. We’ll see. 😉

We have 2 family birthdays + a weeklong camping trip within the next month so I will be busy!

Chocolate consumption report: Hardly anything! I got hooked on “fried bread” (basically donut holes) while camping last weekend. Because of the weather, there were no s’mores, alas. All I’ve eaten lately is my WW Sundaes and WW chocolate-caramel thingies. Guess that’s good on the weight losing side, huh? (But damn, I miss it!)