Tag Archives: accountability partner

#ROW80 Final Check-in 6/9/19

I’ve been so busy that it’s been almost impossible to do weekly check-ins. I know I probably won’t be able to post my final check-in in 11 days, so I decided to end my round a bit early.

I’ve been trying to get on a consistent writing schedule, and that’s been a challenge with work being so busy. I’ve also been trying to work better hours, which is going okay so far.

My surgery recovery is coming along. I’m still doing PT, which has been helping a lot. My recent re-evaluation results were not bad. My foot was pretty strong in some places, but weak in others.

The Achilles’ tendon, unfortunately, seems to be a problem still. When I saw my foot doc on Friday, she said the swelling was worse than before (and it’s still very sore). She prescribed a special orthotic that I’ll need to wear for 3 months to help it heal. Getting the orthotic however will be an adventure. They have to be custom made and Binson’s is extremely booked up right now (it’s summer, people are going out there and hurting themselves!) so I won’t be able to start the process until the 19th. And then it takes 2 to 5 weeks to make. Yikes! But unfortunately that’s all that can be done, so I will deal.

Writing wise…making slow progress on The Vanishing. I’m up to 10k now, and I got unstuck recently, so yay! I also have about 3 or 4 ideas for other books hitting me so I could theoretically switch projects if I need to.

Final standing:

~Participate in Camp Nano with a modest goal of 10,000 words. ~I amended my goal to 5,000 and did not make it. I got halfway: 2,505 words. However, in the bigger picture, I was able to start The Vanishing, so I am happy about that. Overall progress on The Vanishing: 10,000 words. 

Continue placing ads for 3 of my books each month. Also, do a free run with Reaper Girl. ~May 1st was my last paid ad. I have since made the decision to back off ads for a few months and just do newsletter swaps. I’ve decided to hold off on the free Reaper Girl run due to lack of time to stack ads. (I need an assistant, lol!). It’s still happening at some point.

~Progress on more sane work hours. Includes taking Sundays off. ~I’ve taken a few days off here and there when things are slower. I have also decided on a quitting time. It’s working better now. (And I am working only a bit today so progress?)

~Start Survivor Rewrite ~Have not started, but I’d like to.

~Accountability partner check-in ~I keep forgetting to mention this. I’ve been checking in with my accountability partner every week. It’s been fun and helpful. 🙂 

~Final chocolate consumption report: Chocolate mug cakes, hot chocolate, Hersey’s kisses. Junior mints, chocolate cupcakes…I’m probably missing stuff. I’m pretty sure I’ve eaten more than that. 😉

I’ll be back for Round 3!